Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Baclofen Pump

I am starting this blog because of all the support we have received over the last couple years for my son Kaden. We wanted to have a place to document his progress and let friends and family know what's happening with Kaden and his fight with Dystonia.

My 5 year old son Kaden is battling a Mitochondrial Disease. There are 6 documented cases of this particular genetic mutation world wide as of June 2010. The disease can have various effects from life threatening to fairly benign. In Kaden, the mutation has caused a lack of energy to a small portion of the inner part of his brain. This lack of energy has caused damage and the most profound effect on Kaden is a condition called generalized Dystonia.

Dystonia causes the involuntary contraction of muscles. A doctor once told my wife and I that the contractions are similar to having a cramp in a muscle. Kaden can have 10 or 12 muscles(sometimes more) contracting at once. These contractions can last a couple hours or several days. It moves around and affects muscles all over his body.

On October 14th Kaden had surgery to install a Baclofen pump. This device is about the size of a hockey puck and has been inserted just below his rib cage on the right side of his abdomen. The surgeon made about a 6 inch incision to install the pump and then a 2 inch incision at the base of his spine to thread a catheter up to the base of his neck. He then connects the catheter to the pump and closed him up.

The pump will drip a muscle relaxer called Baclofen into the spinal cavity and from there it spreads throughout the body. At the very least the pump will eliminate the contractions. Best case scenario, when the contractions are removed, with therapy Kaden may be able to sit on his own, walk on his own, and do all the other things that a 5 year old is supposed to do.

Today was Kaden's first full day home from the hospital and he had a great day. It was the fourth day after the surgery and I didn't see him wince one time. If I had those incisions I would be miserable, but not Kade. He had a smile on his face all day. He is spending this week at home with grandparents and dad(who is working from home). Kade may go back to school as early as Friday. This Thursday he has an appointment with the physical medicine doc to adjust the pump settings. We are already seeing results as his legs seem much more loose today. It may take several weeks to get the pump settings optimized but the initial results are very encouraging.

Thank you to all of our family and freinds. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives who give the support we need to help Kaden fight his battle. We'll give another update soon. See ya.


Wen said...

What a great idea to have this blog! Now you don't have to call 800 people. I can't wait to see Kaden this weekend to see his progress. Love you, Wen

smith's said...

We are lucky that we get to see Kaden's smiling face everyday, but this will be a great way to communicate his progress.

Love you buddy,

Grandma Finnestad said...

I have been blessed to know Kaden and his family. I can't wait to see you again, Kaden, and watch your steady improvements. Love you. Grandma Finnestad (Kim's Mom)

Knight Runner said...


Great idea to start this blog! Wishing Kaden and your family the best, always, and look forward to many more positive posts! :)

Miss seeing you around the Alder Companies

-Jenny Scherer

Unknown said...

thank you so much for doing this. this way we can keep up with what is going on and understand his situation more fully. many prayers for your family : )

RStark said...

This is a wonderful idea. Kaden is always so happy to see everyone. We know he will get better every day with such great parents.Nana and Papa